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Coments from Yasai-Chan

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I prefer not to interrupt chapters with notes so I'll put em here. Thank you guys for your reviews. I may not update on any specific plan, but I hope you'll still read along anyway. Thanks A-Chan for the suggestions for the long narrative in chapter 2. I'd noticed that too afterwards ^^ in the future I'll break things up into more paragraphs. and to Bumblebee-Queen Yeh I also noticed the past-present tense changes. I still have a problem here or there with that. I thought I'd gone thru and changed it all but I probably still missed alot. I gave up ^^"

This story I estimate to be about 15-25 chapters. Two more stories will follow. One being an Aoshi-Misao story placed after this fic, and the one after that based on Yahiko. I'm not sure If that one will have any er, romance in it yet. They'll all be pretty uhm. depressing-ish. Thanks to Kui Katsu for suggesting the second story. (I actually have one chapter done, but it won't make sense till I finish this)

Hang in there peoples! Fanfic's are pointless without Fans!!


Yah, good news y'all, I plan on finishing chapter seven before the end of December, or more!! And I've already finished chapter five! yay me!!

Oh a couple more notes. The more reviews the faster I'll write mind you ^.~ And also, all Aoshi-Misao Related content is dedicated to my apprentice, Kui Katsu. I hope you'll start writing and posting Fics here as well.... hint hint.

I wish some of you people would write Enishi-Kaoru fics to T_T although I have to admit half the reason I started my own is because there weren't any. So thank you at the same time.

Now at Chapter 5 everything just barely set up for the rest of the story, expect a steeper acceleration for the climax of the story^^!

Happy holidays. Good luck to any of you December babies, Hope you get lots of presents, and no more birthday-Christmas presents.... sigh, if only the world were a better place...


I decided it was funner to put dots instead of slashes...... well anyhow... Chapter 6 seems a little abrupt to me ^^" I hope you guys don't mind that my chapters aren't too long. I try to make them all at least the same length on average. I'd prefer them longer, but it just doesn't seem to fit sometimes.

Ah, well just so you guys know, even one review makes me enthusiastic enough to put out another chapter ^^ Don't worry though, even without reviews I'd write.... because I have my apprentice to constantly complain when I don't get them out fast enough.... I just tend to ignore him more than I would you guys. So..... it takes longer, but you don't have to stoop to doing ten reviews in a row ^^" I won't object if you do though... only if they're sincere. I think the main problem is we just need to get more people addicted to Kenshin!! Go forth and convert!!! Yay!

Doesn't it suck when you get Christmas cards before you even get one birthday card T_T I don't think I'll get any this year.

I got in an accident today. My sisters car was sandwiched between two others. It got totalled... and I cracked the windshield. But I'm ok. My brain is yelling at me, but It's not stopping me from writing!! Blahahhahah!


Wow has it really been only a whole day since my last post? Hrmmmmm. Time is going slower that I thought, but it seems fast.

Well anyway, Thanks for understanding my Birthday plight Firuze Khanume T_T I wish you well for yours.

As for Rydia, Yes Enishi does take off with Kaoru ^^ If you don't mind the spoilers... read on. In the actual story pretty much everything in the first chapter of this story happened (with a few embellishments and changes....) Enishi in fact couldn't kill Kaoru because of his sister and all ^^" and I also suspect he doesn't have any real reason to if he can get around it. Of course I bet the author just did it that way because you cant really kill the main character girl. But then I also suspect that authors don't really always know the reasoning behind why their characters do things. I know I have the same problem with my original charaters ^^ Alot of times, fanfiction adds alot more to the personalities of a character. Probably because we, as fans, have a different point of view than the writer, who has an Idea of how things are going to go...

ah I kinda strayed off subject there.... I just meant to answer your question. I'm afraid I usually have that problem of telling people more than they asked...lol I only hope that someday when I write Manga of my own (which I will do mind you, I've got most of it planned out) I hope to have the pleasure of reading other peoples fanfiction on it. I love new ideas.


Ah, now that people are enjoying my fic... I almost feel a bit apprehensive ^^" Wouldn't want to dissapoint... but I'll just trust my instincts and go with the flow eh ^_~ The next chapter may be a while in coming (although i while could be just a weekend... I never know) because I'm having trouble with how to start the next one. But as always, I'll likely look at a piece of lint or something else equally pointless and get inspired ^^ Enjoy. I know I'm enjoying writing it at least.

I'm getting rather fond of my newly introduced character... but that's because I know his background and personality ahead of time ^^ I hope you guys will like him once he's finally introduced.


Wai ^^ you guys make me feel so warm an fuzzy... plus I've had my anime fix for the week too ^^ so I write for U!!!

I just found out I'm anemic right now... no wonder I've been tired. Damn, this just isn't my month is it ^^ lol I swear the gods are trying to punish me for splitting up Kenshin and Kaoru.....j/k... that would be funny though.

I'm feeling so tired >.< I wanted to go to sleep, but I just had to finish this chapter for you guys. And here it is ^^. There's a cliffhanger yes.....heheh.... I usually don't have ones quite so abrupt ^^" hell I wanna know what happens next myself. I don't have it planned yet.

You can be sure I'll start writing it tomorrow though ^^ I love surprises.


Well I did start writing it the next day ^^' but then lossa stuff happened and well.. I didn't get the time much. After that I read more of actual Kenshin to better my characterizations... ahhhhhh Enishi speaks soo nice (ah... it makes more sense if you know all the Japanese neato accents and words an such ) ^^ I can't wait till they animate him and I can hear his voice. They better not mess him up or there will be hell to pay >= |

Well anyway, I may be slowing down on the chapters a bit more thru holiday season... and maybe even January. But I'll try to get something out every week.

Thank you for keeping up with the story ^^

Ah, my apprentice Kui Katsu just started a Kenshin fic called Enter the storm. It's mostly about a Original chara and stuff, but it takes place after the end of the manga (instead of mine which messes with the end ^^) You should at least check it out. <===shameless plug...

And merry Christmas guys ^^ if I don't stop by beforehand.


Whelp... here's the next chapter, I wrote the whole thing tonight... but It's the 26'th actually I think now. ah.. only an hour into it. We'll just pretend it's still x-mas

This chapter was entirely way too fun to write. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much. I got three new blankets this Christmas... I don't need em all... but I just loves blankets (especially since at one point I only had one) I usually overdo it with them ^^

I hope you all had a happy holiday... but there's more still to come!! don't forget about New Years!! I have no Idea what I'm doing then, and likely won't until 6pm on new years eve...lol

Maybe for once I should get sloshed... I prolly won't tho. may just stick to spritzer and martinelli, but who knows!!

Yahhhhhhhh I hope you're enjoying this even tho welll... I dunno, even tho bla bla bla, _______________________ fill the blank.


Well this is a shorter chapter than usual, but I couldn't lengthen it without making it a little unnatural. the chapters are more of scenes anyways.

Ahhhhh I'mm thinking of writing another Fic of Enishi-Kaoru for when I have mental blocks in this one. It'll likely be a shorter more to the point, but slightly pointless one. I'm trying to decide if I should do one that's another "unusual situation before the end" or if I should do one that starts up after the end of Kenshin.... before Kenshin and Kaoru get married though of course. I'm all for monogamy.

The next chapter should be out soon, hopefully within the next few days. The good thing about my accident is that I am incapable of working an therefore have more time to sit around and write the fic (I'd have written more but I keep getting distracted by my endless search for more Enishi-Kaoru fics)

Thanks for the more Reviews ^^ They always help motivate me.


Ah this is more the size of the usual chapter. And more reviews too!! Wai wai I love you guys!!!

Ah poor Kaoru, she expects Kenshin to hold his arms out to her so she can rush into them next time they meet. I almost feel bad for doing this... almost... But only for doing this to her ^^ ah I'm so mean....

And how will Kaoru ever fall for Enishi when she's so stuck on Kenshin!!! Kenshin being Kaoru's warm fuzzy security blanket, and he's not there. Enishi may not be security blanket material, may not be as "safe" feeling as Kenshin... but he's just a big warm teddy bear.... or rather a stuffed tiger would fit better. And I'm sure he'd make a fiiiine blanket in other cases ^_~ oooh I like that thought.... ehermmm. cough...

Enjoy! we're fast approaching the upheaval of the story!


Well here's yet another short chapter... But It's ok cuz I'm pumping them out so fast ne? ^^' I hope anyhow.

I's love to read your Fic, Firuze.. but I can't read spanish -.- I only took a semester of it in school, and then I opted for japanese. I'm moving to Arizona soon, it's not as hot as argentina I'm sure, but it sure as hell is warmer than where I am ^^'

Kenshin's so scary now!! I think he knocked a screw loose when he was boarding up his memories... heheh.... What's going to happen when they meet up again o.O Ahhhhh! Poor Kaoru!! Well you'll find out next chapter ne?

As for K+K... If I gave any of you that impression I'm glad and I'm sorry at the same time, glad that it means you guys have no clue what's coming next, sorry that you thought it might be normal sappiness ^^' that would be very out of character for me.

The next chapter should be longer. Please keep reading along!

Also I started another E+K fic. It will likely be slower going, like once a week, but it promises to be a lot shorter, and mostly between Enishi/Kaoru. Knowing me it'll get out of hand and end up otherwise ^^' But if there were such a thing as a typical Enishi Kaoru fic.. that would be what I think it would be.

As always, enjoy ^^


I would absolutely love to help you with anything you need Alexiel ^^ Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or whatever you would like. Taisei_@hotmail.com That goes for anyone who wants any help, it it makes the number of Enishi-Kaoru fics grow, no price is too high!!

As for the Misao bit... you have to remember, Aoshi's opinion is not my own ^^' and he's likely favorable to Misao over Kaoru. To tell the truth, I agree fully that Kaoru is really good. She just doesn't get much of a chance to show it with all the godlike skilled people around her. Ah! But I'll make sure she has her time in the spotlight this is heeer story!!

And now about the chapter I just put up..... (I wrote the above stuff before the chapter, just because I wanted to make sure not to forget)

Ah Kenshin is so mean!! it's a hit and run!! and he didn't even see Kaoru, what if he remembers everything when he actually sees her again... if he ever sees her again. What will Kaoru do! how badly was she cut? I didn't expect it to be this bad... fist she see's Kenshin walking around with a pretty pregnant woman.. and then he tries to kill her... what's up with that O.o

Hehehe, well I hope you enjoyed the melodramatics followed by the anticlimactic entrance of Enishi.... ah I love that guy.


Yes Wei Li is carrying Sano's kid. But does Yahiko and Kaoru know that? ^^' think before you ask silly questions (no offense intended)

As for Kenshin going crazy, he's acting on instinct, because he doesn't know hoe much he knows. And the instincts he has are likely those of battousai that he learned being constantly in danger in the war. During the RK series if you recally he was suppressing it.

Ah yes, a reversal of roles ^^ that's my favorite thing about this fic. I like to show that insanity is just a point of view. also the littlest of things can change a person completely ^^

Kaoru is eeeeevil... she wants to kill Kenshin O.o who would have thought. I sure as hell didn't.... well I had revenge in mind when I started the fic... but then again I didn't plan on him attacking her, just having him forget her. But this worked out a lot better an I like it ^^

Hope you enjoy as well!!


Due to a barrage of unexpected guests... I won't be able to work on the fic till next year >.< but I promise I'll do it forst thing!! Please don't be too impatient. You can blame it all on Kui Katsu.... just kidding... but he is staying over here, so I think his fic may be a little in coming too, unless the other random guests choose to let me go for even an hour >.<

I had such a filled day... I have to admit it was fun. but I didn't have a chance to work on the fic... Please forgive!!


Finally, the next chapter. I'm sorry it took so long, hopefully I'll be able to speed things up again, but I don't know how long that will last ^^' I also had a bit of a writers block.

For those of you who are in it for the romance... Hang in there!! it'll come in time. It's building as we speak though ^^ I'm sure you guys remember the moments.

Poor Kaoru ^^ actually I'd love to be in her position, not only is she with Enishi, she gets to do all that fun stuff T_T at leas I think it would be fun anyhow. Kaoru has had a bit of a pampered life though... she likely won't at first anyway.

How you guys like this chapter tho ^^ Reviews are always welcome, good or bad.


well, here's another short chapter. But the next will be out soon so no worries ^^ isn't it a horrendous cliffhanger!!

The forest was a bit ludicrous I know... but it's not all that horribly cheesy... just a little cheesy. Please forgive, I couldn't resist making one of the past syndicate leaders an eccentric dynasty obsessive lover of intricate "gardens" which is what he calls the forest.

Ah.. and I must advertise the most wonderous K+K fic I've read.... I can actually stomach it!! hell, I even really enjoy it. It's "The spy and the Hitokiri" by anna-neko storyid; 444477 ^^ read and review it, she's nice.


I would, of course love to see any fanart T_T hehe yeh sure I could think up some kanji for it... but you gotta show it to me first ^_~

Later on... when they actually... er... semi hook up... which they havn't yet... too bad.. If enough people want it, I will write a seperate lemon chapter, but lemons aren't my forte... I wrote a gag one once... but that's about it ^^ maybe if it's Enishi I could... lol

Heheh I bet by now you guys are begging for them to get a clue ^^

Now there's a picture I would love to see, Kaoru and Enishi together, but Kaoru with her spiffy new set of clothing and sword. I so want that outfit ^^ I'll have to make me one ^^

Oh Tenshimuyo, I like your site ^^ and I also got your e-mail, but it wouldn't let me send one back for some reason, so in answer, yes feel free to post my fics on your site.

Catseye8 please keep reading ^^ the way this is going it may even reach 30 chapters. I'm not entirely sure. I don't mid your review being long. I love reading reviews no matter what they are ^^ I check everyday to see if I have more =P I'm glad that my story is good enough to read all the way strait through.

Hopefully these three really fast chapters will make up for that long period without. Again, thanks for the reviews ^^


Yay, we've reached the twentieth chapter and the 50th page ^^ Congrats to me... and to you for reading this far. THe story just keeps getting worse and worse yet better and better O.o I really didn't expect Enishi to have a past like that. I didn't plan on it till just now >.<

Ah thanks everyone for their reviews, they keep me going even through my writers blocks T_T And thanks to those people that e-mail me as well, I always enjoy whatever you have to say.

Shigatsu... I'm glad you like my story enough to print it out I don't mind at all, In fact feel free to share it with anyone you feel like, As long as I get some credit ^^ My fics are nothing if they're not shared. Please continue to enjoy.

From now on the story gets tricky ^_~ and there will be more of Enishi and Kaoru... after she gets out of the hellhole poor Enishi spent a good portion of his life in.


In this fic... from now on you are allowed to legally drink ^_~ 21st chapter peoples!! I believe it should go on until at the very least 30, if not more. Fang is a character I love and hate. He's got the most interesting and intriguing personality, but the things he does are despicable. You'll understand later when a start putting in more glimpses of his lifestyle.

O.o so far Kaoru has only been in the Ghetto's of the pit >.< the poor section, where people are no longer people but livestock. What sort of folk will she run into in the rest of the place!! will she be able to keep up her easy fending people off with a swing of her sword? I think not... but how hard will it be? I hope she doesn't get any more scars...... Enishi has enough for both of them.

Thank you for the pictures shigatsu... I assume it was you who sent them anyway ^^ I did have a few of them already, but others I didn't ^^ so yeah, thank you.

I will try to keep my chapters constantly at this length but I can't promise anything ^^' I don't think there's any question any longer that Enishi likes or loves Kaoru. But will he ever admit it? or will he keep holding himself back.... Poor Kaoru, I wonder who will end up chasing after who in the end.



Hrmmmmm... Saitoh's appearance... I didn't expect that at all, but he just showed up and demanded me to put him in.... actually it was more like he showed up and just walked in, without asking ^^' ever have that happen to you?

This one didn't take a long time to write, but at points it was difficult, tho I didn't have any major writers blocks, more like writers... uhm... well remember those bitty building blocks with letters and pictures on them that some of you may have had as a child? Imagine walking through a room of them in only your socks with no light on. It doesn't necessarily take a lot of time, but you trip your way across and your feet end up hurting ^^"

But anyway, it's a fun chapter as well, A little info on fang, a little more in Enishi's mind, A glimpse of Kenshin and the others, and another person joining them in china soon. I wonder if he'll bring anyone with him. I don't know yet but we'll see.

What of the albino boy that was on the ship? Someone asked me that recently... but don't worry, he hasn't just disappeared yet. In fact he may even make an appearance soon.

Hope you enjoy... and Please please review!!! My reviews are slowly dwindling, I know it looks like I have a lot, but I also have alot of chapters. it's an average of 3-4 reviews per chapter... I'm not being greedy, really I'm not, I just want some company in this grim little world of blood and snow. ^_~ I always read and appreciate everything you say.


Well this here is an interesting chapter... Thank you everyone for your reviews by the way, I got 6 for the last chapter... I loooove you guys ^_^

Uhm, it's a bit on a lighthearted note, but it's a setup for the next few chapters where things should pick up a bit. It will all be rather enjoyable.

Ahhhhh... the next chapters are going to be soooo fun!! please stay long enough for them. I may be really busy this week though so I'm not entirely sure when I'll get them out. I'll try for Sunday or Monday. Thank you for your patience... (even though i get them out really fast, I know that sometimes even that can not be enough =P I hate waiting for stories too sometimes.)


Ah I like mao.... hate fang... but like mao. He's by far one of the most interesting characters I've created. (I think he likes Enishi though.... hrmmmm hope it isn't anything beyond friendship, I don't see Mao as the Yaoi type.. I hope not at least.

Anyhow, Enishi seems cold to Kaoru, I wonder if he's afraid. We all know that he likes her, he's admitted it himself. Will he tell her ever? if so when!! will it be too late by the time he does.... AHHHHH the suspense is killing me.

Please enjoy this chapter. It's not that long... but it aint way to short either. The enterance by Enishi was amusing... somthing that Mao planned? Who is this mao really, and can you believe everything he says... I don't know for sure, maybe he'll end up being a bad guy. I surely hope not though.


Waaaaaii, I'm glad someone thinks my mao is cute... I drew him so I know he is, but I don't know if I portrayed it well enough in the writing.... as a treat, sometime this week I'll scan and upload pictures of both fang and Mao ^_^ you can see them!

Hrm more characters... they just keep coming and coming..... I wonder if that's ok. it is a fanfic after all, I don't know if you're supposed to be adding all these people...

The next chapter will be up shortly, but not another one today... I'm working on it.. but I don't think it'll finish soon enough.


Ah... well her you guys go, another chapter. I fear I will be going out of town for a week with no computer access.... so It seems that there will be no updates on the story until wednsday... Please forgive! It's a business trip, not a pleasure. I will try to get two chapters up at the same time if possible when I get back.

Enjoy all!! (sorry about the cliffhanger.. and now of all times! ah shoot me and put me out of your misery!)

Gah, fanfiction was being mean to me till now! I'm sorry I couldn't upload it sooner!!! Here's fang as a bonus... http://www.angelfire.com/rant/taihen/fang.html

Blood And Snow