About a Girl
by: Tenshimuyo-chan

   He still saw her in his sleep sometimes.

   It was always the same dream. She would be standing there, looking at him, lips pursed. she had such sad eyes. Eyes that seemed drained of whatever hope they had in him.

   Suma, he would say, reaching out for her, but I did what I had to do. I'm truly sorry, but I've set it right now, haven't I?

   She would look at him, shaking her head in dissent, and slowly turn away.

   Wait, he'd say, what do you want of me? But before he could even finish, she would even finish, she would already have disappeared into the mist.

   And then he'd wake up.

   How long has it been now, since he arrived here? He had no idea what the city looked like now, he scarcely stepped out of the village. Everyday was the same. He'd wake up to the hollering of the villagers calling everyone to breakfast. He would go for his free meal, then perhaps help around with repairs. That is, if someone asked him to. There seemed to be a sign on his forehead that said "Keep Away." Even in this village of outsiders he was left alone. That left him with a lot of time in his hands, times spent leafing through his most prized possession. Times like these. He turned over the last leaf and closed the volume that was all that remained of his sister's life.

   Ah, 'neesan, he thought, if you could see me now. A man dependent on almost nothing.

   A man reduced to almost nothing if you ask me.

    His hair suddenly stood on end. Who said that? Look at me when I'm speaking to you boy. He closed his eyes.

   'Neesan, is that you?, he asked. It's been so long.

   Hmmph, she said, blowing air out of her mouth sideways, the way...she... the way she did when she got exasperated. Nothing seems to have changed since I was last here. Since when did you spend your day sitting on your butt?

   You must understand, 'neesan, he said, suddenly embarrassed by his inactivity, but I am an outsider.

   Her eyebrows lowered in a frown. Yes, you are, but that's no excuse for throwing away your life. It's no wonder you can't rest easy at night.

   'Neesan... He was dumbfounded. How did she know?

   She moved towards him, leaned forward, and stroked his face, her hand stopping short of his cheek. Ah Enishi, she whispered, I will always be years older than you. I know these things. She sighed. I only wish I were really here to help you.

   She laughed, realizing the irony of her statement. If I were here, then you wouldn't be in this kind of situation. He nodded. Tomoe was right, as usual. And I don't know whether you'd like that, standing up af if to leave.

   Are you going already, oneesan? he asked. What did she mean by that?

   She nodded. Yes, I am. I only wanted to see you again. I do not mean to be your conscience this time. A beat passed, then she spoke once more. You already have someone else for that.

   At that moment, he understood everything. Oneesan, He reached out his hand.

   It's okay, she said, it would have come to this sooner or later. There comes a time in a man's life when his sister ceases to be the most perfect woman on earth, and I''m sure he's a nice girl. She laughed. After all, who am I to doubt Kenshin's taste?

   With that she turned to leave.

   Oneesan, he said once again, his voice pleading, What should I do?

   She looked back for a moment. That's up to you, Enishi. What do you think you should do? She was fading fast into the sunset now. But one thing's for sure. She wouldn't want you moping aroung either. And then she was gone.

   Enishi sat staring into the sunset. Tomoe was right, as usual. And she -- he could not even bear to think of her name -- she was right as well. This wasn't the kind of life he should lead. Was that why he dreamed of her disappointed eyes all these times?

   He gazed into the horizon until the sun well disappeared under it. In the sky, the first stars began showing their sparkle through the clouds, like fireflies dancing on a fine spring night.

   He stood up and made his way outside the village.