Disclaimers: All standard disclaimers apply. The characters of Rurouni Kenshin do not belong to me, they belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro-sensei. I'm only borrowing. Nothing is mine except the plot. Chapter Three: She lay silent in his arms, unwilling to break the spell that would eventually end with the arrival of daylight. Both of them knew the impossibility of what had taken place. It was crazy, Kaoru thought flatly. She should never have agreed to anything he said. To put it plainly, she had allowed him to seduce her. But a part of her was satisfied with the way things had turned out. The incredible tension between them was gone, and she was the wiser for the experience. So why did the prospect of morning make her feel so empty? Enishi moved and she tightened her hold on him unconsciously. She didn't want him to go. When morning came he could leave her and she would push this night far, far back into her memories. But for now, she wanted him to stay, to keep the emptiness away for a while longer. "I'll stay," he promised softly, his arm around her waist. Their bodies were still joined and he had not felt such repletion, such peace. Not until this moment. "But when dawn comes we will forget this. It's for the best." When Battousai came for her she would forget him. He could not form any lasting attachment to her. "I know," came the expected reply. Still, her ready agreement hurt. "And if Battousai ...if you ever marry ....should he ask, tell him I forced you," Enishi said almost coldly. "I'll tell him no such lies. And I won't lie about you either. Whatever happens will happen." She couldn't sully what they had done together with weakness and deceit. His hand touched her hair, fingers stroking her head until soothed by his ministrations, Kaoru fell asleep at last. When the sun made its appearance, Enishi untangled himself from her embrace. Picking up the blankets, he covered her beautiful body, tucking her in just like the way he had found her. She muttered and he chuckled softly. She did have a habit of talking in her sleep. He just hoped she would not mention this episode, for her sake. Shutting the door behind him, Enishi slung his tunic top over his shoulder and made his way to his room. The sunlight poured in. A new day had begun. He had had his Jinchuu on Battousai, he had taken his woman and made her his. And to top it all off, she had been willing as well. He had came out the winner in the end. But that thought couldn't dissolve the yawning emptiness that he felt deep inside. Nor could it erase the feeling that instead of punishing Battousai, he had punished himself by tasting heaven when he knew he could not have her. In the end, Battousai Himura would get her and once more he would have to stand by and watch. In effect, he had damned himself to hell for the second time. Enishi was lost in his thoughts when he noticed the ship approaching the island. It was his partner from Shanghai. The man had always struck him as too smooth to be trusted, too cunning to be liked. But nonetheless he was relieved by the latter's appearance. After a hurried wash-up, he made his way down the hall. Stopping as he passed Kaoru's door, he looked briefly at it and allowed himself one last remembrance before he turned his back, walking away. Alone once more. END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comments: Okay, I'm sure there are some who aren't too happy with what I've written and frankly I am somewhat critical as well. But I've chosen to highlight other points, Kaoru's emotional vulnerability (how faithful can you stay to a guy who hasn't even held your hand or let you know that he cares???!), Enishi's desires and his twisted self-deception that ends in self-realisation, for however short a time. I wanted to infuse elements of the uncomfortable (natural desire and a coerced compliance) even in their lovemaking, the reasons for it and I hoped I succeeded somehow. Thank you very much for reading.