You and I

This is my first Ruroini Kenshin fic, and I hope you like it! I do not own Ruroini Kenshin or any of it's characters....wish I did though.^_^ Well, anyway, on with the story! Remember to read and review....please.

Chapter 1: Surprising Encounter

Kaoru ran through the dark , snowy night. She didn't know where she was going, but all she knew was that she had to get away. Blood dripped from her beaten body, and tears blurred her eyes. Tripping over a jagged rock, Kaoru fell face-first into the snow. Slowly, she tried to lift her broken body out of the cold snow, that had turned pink from all the blood she lost. " Why would he do this to me?" More tears flooded Kaoru's eyes and spilled over her rosey cheeks. " I hate him, I HATE HIM!" She thought angrily. She finally gathered her strength, and pulled her body out of the snow. Her eyes blazed like fire. She couldn't control herself anymore. With all the anger she had in herself, she clenched her fist, and planted it in a nearby tree. " How could that b#@$!rd do this to me! I thought he loved me." All the strength left Kaoru's body, and she fell into the snow. Now she was nursing the hand she abused, that was full of splinters. Kaoru found herself falling into a deep sleep. Her body was numb from the cold, and her pink lips where now a horrible shade of blue. Her tears were now frozen, and her heart broken by the only man she loved. "Kenshin- how could you?" Those were her last bitter words.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared from the shadows. It picked up Kaoru's battered body and carried her back into the shadows from which it came.

********** Two days later ************

Kaoru woke to the sound of footsteps aproaching her. Her blue eyes slowly fluttered open, looking for the place the footsteps came. The sun shined down on her body from a window on the far left wall, giving her a heavenly appearance as her beautiful black hair shown hints of blue and purple. She studied her surrounding, though not in detail. " This is definatly not the dojo!" She thought. " Where am I" She thought again, this time out loud.

" Your awake." Said a deep voice behind her.

Kaoru jumped. "It can't be!" She slowely turned around. When she set her eyes on the figure before her, her face shown total shock. " Enishi!"